Publisher: National Center for Youth Issues
Publication Date: June 19, 2014
ISBN: 978-1937870294
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Although many kids say the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the day, they sometimes don’t show a lot of sincerity while doing it because they don’t fully understand what the flag means to America.
I’m Your Flag so Please Treat Me Right! is a story told by the American flag. It explains through the eyes of our flag what the red, white and blue stand for, and what the flag means to all Americans.
“I stand for freedom when I wave in the air, so proud of my stars and stripes. Whenever you see me, please show that you care. I’m your flag so please treat me right! I m lucky to have you and you’re lucky to have me. The things that I stand for are why you are free. Be proud when you see my red, white and blue. When I wave in the air…I’m waving for YOU! I didn’t always look like this. When I was younger, I looked different.”
This delightful, historical and colorful story will help people of all ages better understand the value of our beautiful flag.
A Note From Julia
During my school visits I’ve noticed:
- Kids say the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the day, but they sometimes don’t show a lot of sincerity while doing it.
- I attended a basketball game and when the national anthem was playing, a few kids in the corner played hacky sac, didn’t stop their game to pay tribute to our country.
- At one school, a boy took the flag down off of the pole at the end of the day, and then tied it around his neck like a Superman cape and ran around the playground wearing it.
It’s not that our kids are trying to be disrespectful…I don’t think they realize what the flag means to America.
I’m Your Flag so Please Treat Me Right! is a story told by the American flag. It explains, through the eyes of our flag, what the red, white and blue stand for, and what the flag means to all Americans.
I am honored to put my name on this book and I can’t wait to share it with you! If we can teach our kids to respect their boogers by using a story from the booger’s perspective, we should be able to help them understand more about our beautiful flag.